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Our Vision

At Cotton Hill United Methodist Church, our vision is to Love Like Jesus. As followers of Christ, we want to share with others the great love and grace that has been made available to us through Jesus Christ.

Learn more about our church and pastor here.


Worship With Us

We meet for in-person worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am at 5931 North Cotton Hill Road, near the corner of Cotton Hill Road and Toronto Road in Springfield.

If you are unable to join us in person you can watch our sermons online here.

Maundy Thursday Dinner at 6:00 pm

Join us for a special Maundy Thursday Worship Dinner, a sacred evening of shared food, scripture, and reflection as we remember Jesus’ final meal with his friends. This is not a reenactment of the Passover meal, but a time to experience the heart of Maundy Thursday: community, service, surrender, and the choice to remain with Jesus and with each other when life gets tough.

RSVP is required to ensure enough seating and food.

Good Friday Worship at Auburn UMC at 6:00 pm

Join us for this sacred service of scripture, prayer, and reflection as we remember the suffering Christ and recommit ourselves to follow him not just with belief, but with boldness. Come and bear witness to the love that didn’t turn away.

This service will be at Auburn United Methodist Church, located at 14100 State Route 4, Auburn, IL.

Easter Sunday Worship at 10:30 am

The tomb is empty. The stone has been rolled away. And the very first words spoken on that resurrection morning? “Do not be afraid.”

This Easter, we celebrate more than a moment in history. We celebrate a world-changing reality: Jesus has defeated death. And if death has been overcome, then what do we have left to fear?

Come and worship the risen Christ!

Lenten Sermon Series

We say we believe in Jesus. We say we believe in the resurrection. But if that’s true, if death has been defeated, then why do we still live in fear?

This Lent, we’re not playing it safe. Jesus didn’t die so we could be comfortable. He died so we could be courageous. Christ calls us to a faith that is bold, risky, and world-changing. A faith that costs something, and a faith that speaks up when others stay silent.

Through the wilderness of Lent, at the table of decision, in the shadow of the cross, and at the empty tomb, we are being called to claim the power of bold faith.

👉 Will we follow Jesus boldly, or will we hold back?

👉 Will we choose comfort, or will we choose the cross?

👉 Will we live like resurrection is real, or will we keep playing it safe?

This Easter, we stop hesitating. We stop holding back. We step into the kind of faith that changes everything. Join us Sundays at 10:30 am!